Kimly Limited announced the Resignation of Mr. Lim Hee Liat as Executive Chairman and a member of the Nominating Committee. Assumed the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Chairman of the Company and a member of the NC. Job Title is Executive Chairman of the Company and a member of the NC. The Board has been informed by Mr. Lim Hee Liat ("Mr. Lim") that he has been notified by the Commercial Affairs Department (the "CAD") of the Singapore Police Force on 11 November 2021 that he has been charged for an offence under Section 331(1) read with Section 204(1) of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore (the "SFA" and the charge, the "SFA Charge"). The SFA Charge against Mr. Lim was in relation to the Company's failure to notify the Singapore Exchange Limited ("SGX") that its acquisition of Asian Story Corporation Pte. Ltd. ("ASC" and the acquisition, the "ASC Acquisition") was an interested person transaction, required to be immediately announced under Rule 905(1) of the SGX Catalist Listing Rules (the "Catalist Rules"). As a result, the Company had committed an offence under Section 203(1) read with Section 203(2) of the SFA, which offence was committed with Mr. Lim's consent as director of the Company. Additionally, Mr. Lim has separately been charged under Section 156(1) read with Section 156(15) of the Companies Act, Chapter 50 of Singapore (the "Companies Act" and the charge, the "CA Charge"). During or before the ASC Acquisition, Mr. Lim had failed to disclose that ASC was a company which was partially beneficially owned by him, as soon as practicable after the relevant facts came to his knowledge, and he has thereby failed to disclose his indirect interest in a transaction with the Company. Mr. Lim has notified the Board that he intends to resign from his role as Director (and consequently as Executive Chairman) of the Company with effect from 11 November 2021 and the Board has agreed to accept his resignation.