1.1 Keppel Corporation Limited ("KCL" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a proposed dividend in specie (the "Proposed Distribution") of up to 366,606,000 units in Keppel REIT ("Keppel REIT Units") held indirectly by the Company through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Keppel Real Estate Investment Pte. Ltd. ("KREI"), to the shareholders of the Company ("Shareholders").
1.2 The Proposed Distribution, which is subject to the approval of Shareholders and such other approvals as set out in paragraph 6.1.2 below, will be effected by way of a dividend in specie to Shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings in the Company, on the basis of one (1) Keppel REIT Unit for every five (5) ordinary shares in the Company ("KCL Shares" or "Shares") held by Shareholders as at the books closure date to be determined by the directors of the Company for the purpose of determining the entitlement of Shareholders ("Books Closure Date"), fractional entitlements to be disregarded.
1.3 No payment will be required from Shareholders for the Proposed Distribution. The Keppel REIT Units will be distributed free of encumbrances and together with all rights attaching thereto on and from the date the Proposed Distribution is effected.

2. Information on Keppel REIT

2.1 Keppel REIT is established with the objective of generating stable returns to its unitholders by owning and investing in a portfolio of quality real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and are predominantly used for commercial purposes.
2.2 Keppel REIT was constituted pursuant to the Trust Deed dated 28 November 2005 (as amended) entered into between Keppel REIT Management Limited (as manager of Keppel REIT) and RBC Dexia Trust Services Singapore Limited (as trustee to Keppel REIT).

3. Rationale for the Proposed Distribution

The Directors believe that the Proposed Distribution will benefit the Company and
Shareholders in the following ways:

3.1 Unlocking shareholder value - investment flexibility for Shareholders

3.1.1 The Proposed Distribution will enable Shareholders to individually and directly participate in the ownership of, and enjoy returns from, securities held in two separately listed entities without any additional cash outlay.
3.1.2 Shareholders who decide not to keep the Keppel REIT Units can opt to sell all or such numbers of Keppel REIT Units as the Shareholders may in their absolute discretion decide in the open market, or to any potential buyers upon the completion of the Proposed Distribution.
3.1.3 Giving Shareholders a direct shareholding in Keppel REIT enables Shareholders to directly influence the future direction of Keppel REIT and benefit directly from any future corporate actions and exercises involving Keppel REIT (for example, distributions, rights issues, mergers and/or acquisition).

3.2 Enhancement in trading liquidity of Keppel REIT

As at the date of this Announcement, approximately 23.2% of the issued units of Keppel REIT is in public hands ("Public Shareholders"). Assuming that the Proposed Distribution was completed as at the date of this Announcement, the unitholding of Keppel REIT held by Public Shareholders will increase to approximately 34.0%1. An increase in public float would improve trading liquidity of Keppel REIT.

4. Details of the Proposed Distribution

4.1 Shareholders who hold Shares in the Company as at the Books Closure Date will be entitled to the Proposed Distribution ("Entitled Shareholders").
4.2 As at the date of this Announcement, the Company has a deemed interest in approximately
75.5% of the issued units in Keppel REIT comprising:
4.2.1 766,653,728 Keppel REIT Units, representing approximately 29.1% of the issued units in Keppel REIT, held through its wholly-owned subsidiary, KREI; and

1 Based on the issued capital of KCL and Keppel REIT of 1,797,820,404 Shares and 2,631,180,238 units respectively as at the date of this Announcement.

4.2.2 1,221,005,541 Keppel REIT Units, representing approximately 46.4% of the issued units in Keppel REIT, held through wholly-owned subsidiaries of Keppel Land Limited.
4.3 The Proposed Distribution will be effected by way of a dividend in specie to Entitled Shareholders of Keppel REIT Units (held indirectly through KREI) on the basis of one (1) Keppel REIT Unit for every five (5) Shares held by Entitled Shareholders as at the Books Closure Date, fractional entitlements to be disregarded. The final number of Keppel REIT Units to be received by each Entitled Shareholder will depend on the total number of issued Shares held by the Entitled Shareholder as at the Books Closure Date for the Proposed Distribution.
4.4 As at the date of this Announcement, the issued share capital of the Company comprises
1,797,820,404 Shares. For illustrative purposes, assuming that (a) all of the outstanding options granted pursuant to the KCL Option Scheme are exercised and (b) all awards released under KCL Restricted Share Plan and KCL Performance Share Plan (which are due for vesting) are vested prior to the Books Closure Date, the issued share capital of the Company as at Books Closure Date will comprise approximately 1,833,028,104 Shares and up to 366,606,000 Keppel REIT Units will be distributed pursuant to the Proposed Distribution. On this basis, a Shareholder who holds:
4.4.1 1,000 Shares on the Books Closure Date would receive 200 Keppel REIT Units; and
4.4.2 2,000 Shares on the Books Closure Date would receive 400 Keppel REIT Units.
4.5 Shareholders who received odd lots of Keppel REIT Units pursuant to the Proposed Distribution and who wish to trade such odd lots on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST") should note that an application will be made to the SGX-ST to set up a temporary counter for the trading of Keppel REIT Units in board lots of 100 Keppel REIT Units for a period of one calendar month from the date that the Keppel REIT Units are credited to the Securities Accounts of such Shareholders. Further details of the application will be set out in the Circular (as defined in paragraph 8.1 below)

5. Financial Effects of the Proposed Distribution.

For purposes of illustration, the financial effects of the Proposed Distribution on the return on equity ("ROE"), net tangible assets per share ("NTA per Share"), earnings per share ("EPS") and net debt ratio ("Net Debt Ratio") of the Group are set out below and have been computed using the latest announced unaudited consolidated financial statements of the Group for the financial year ended 31 December 2012 on the basis that:
(a) the NTA per Share and Net Debt Ratio as at 31 December 2012 have been prepared on a pro forma basis as if the Proposed Distribution had been completed on 31
December 2012, being the date to which the latest announced unaudited full year
accounts of the Group were made up;
(b) the ROE and EPS have been prepared on a pro forma basis as if the Proposed Distribution had been completed on 1 January 2012, being the start of the latest announced unaudited consolidated financial statements of the Group; and
5.1.1 ROE


FY 2012

Before Distribution

Pro forma

After Distribution

Net Profit(1)(S$'000)



Average shareholders' funds(1) (S$'000)



Return on equity (%)




(1) For the purposes of this calculation, "Net Profit" means profit after tax and non-controlling interest and "Average shareholders' funds" means the average of the shareholders' funds at the beginning and end of the financial year.

5.1.2 NTA per Share

Unaudited FY2012

Before Distribution

Pro forma

After Distribution

NTA (S$'000)



Number of issued and paid-up Shares ('000)



NTA per Share (S$)



5.1.3 EPS

Unaudited FY 2012

Before Distribution

Pro forma

After Distribution

Net Profit(1)(S$'000)



Weighted average number of issued and paid-up Shares in FY2012 ('000)



Earnings per Share (cents)




(1) For the purposes of this calculation, "Net Profit" means profit after tax and non-controlling interest

5.1.4 Net Debt Ratio

Unaudited FY2012

Before Distribution

Pro forma

After Distribution

Net debt (S$'000)



Capital employed (S$'000)



Net debt ratio (times)



6. Approvals

6.1 The Proposed Distribution is subject to the following:
6.1.1 the passing of any ordinary resolution by Shareholders to approve the Proposed Distribution at an extraordinary general meeting of the Company (the "EGM") to be convened; and
6.1.2 the satisfaction of any regulatory approvals which may be required in connection with the Proposed Distribution (the "Approvals").

7. Overseas Shareholders

The distribution of the Proposed Distribution to Shareholders whose registered addresses (as recorded in the Register of Members of KCL or in the Depository Register maintained by The Central Depository (Pte) Limited ("CDP")) are outside Singapore ("OverseasShareholders") may be prohibited or restricted (either absolutely or subject to various relevant securities requirements, whether legal or administrative, being complied with) in certain jurisdictions under the relevant securities laws of those jurisdictions. Overseas Shareholders are required to inform themselves of and to observe any such prohibition or restriction at their own expense and without liability to the Company.
For practical reasons and in order to avoid violating applicable securities laws outside Singapore, the Keppel REIT Units will not be distributed to Overseas Shareholders who have not at least three (3) market days prior to the Books Closure Date provided the Company's Share Registrar (B.A.C.S. Private Limited at 63 Cantonment Road, Singapore 089758) or CDP, as the case may be, with addresses in Singapore for the service of notices or documents in accordance with the foregoing.
Arrangements will be made for the distribution of Keppel REIT Units which would otherwise have been distributed to such Overseas Shareholders to be distributed to such person(s) as the Directors may appoint, who shall sell these Keppel REIT Units at prices prevalent at the time of sale and thereafter distribute the aggregate amount of the net proceeds, after
deducting all dealing and other expenses in connection therewith, proportionately among such Overseas Shareholders according to their respective entitlements to Keppel REIT Units as at the Books Closure Date in full satisfaction of their rights to the Keppel REIT Units.
Where the net proceeds to which any particular Overseas Shareholder is entitled is less than S$10.00, such net proceeds shall be retained for the benefit of the Company, and no Overseas Shareholder shall have any claim whatsoever against the Company or CDP in connection therewith.
Shareholders should note that the special arrangements described above will apply only to
Overseas Shareholders.
For the avoidance of doubt, even if an Overseas Shareholder has provided a Singapore address as aforesaid, the distribution of Keppel REIT Units to him will be subject to compliance with applicable securities laws outside Singapore to the extent reasonably practicable.

8. Further Information

8.1 A circular to Shareholders (the "Circular") in relation to the Proposed Distribution, together with a notice of the EGM to be convened, will be despatched Shareholders in due course.
8.2 The Books Closure Date will be announced via SGXNET in due course.
8.3 In the meantime, Shareholders are advised to refrain from taking any action in relation to their Shares which may be prejudicial to their interests until they or their advisers have considered the information in the Circular, as well as the recommendations to be set out in the Circular.


Caroline Chang / Kenny Lee
Company Secretaries
24 January 2013

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