Prospero Silver Corp. announced the results of a further 487 soil samples obtained in the Petate East sector of it's 6,000 hectare El Petate project. The grid is in addition to the rock chip assays from the previously reported Petate West (Apartadero) zone and was carried out over the Petate target areas over a total length of 2 km.

The eastern sector demonstrates proportionately high silver values than Apartadero. The jasperoids and gossans exhibit a predominant northwest structural control and dips to the southwest. The highlights of the soil geochemistry include: silver anomalies greater than 5 ppm and up to 52.3 ppm are prominent in the Petate and target areas.

In both areas the anomalies are open to the west particularly in the western (hanging wall side) of the Petate target where the highest silver values (52.3 ppm, 37.4 ppm, and 19.9 ppm) were obtained. The gold geochemistry is highest in Petate target (up to 0.334 ppm) particularly where outcrops of gossan are exposed along 50 meters in a creek. A subdued gold anomaly extends an additional 400 meters to the northwest which is also reflected in the mercury and iron geochemistry.

Iron anomalies are skewed towards the northern Petate target where values are commonly greater than 3.5%, in contrast to Petate and targets which generally revealed values less than 3%. Antimony and arsenic are also highest towards the Petate target with antimony values commonly in the 30-68 ppm range and arsenic values in the 100-1795 ppm range. Barium and manganese are proportionately higher in the Petate and targets: Barium is in the 400-1860 ppm range, and Manganese is in the 4,000 to 16,000 ppm range.