BLOCK LISTING SIX MONTHLY RETURN                        

    Information provided on this form must be typed or printed electronically and
    provided to an ris.

    (Note: Italicised terms have the same meaning as given in the Listing Rules.)

    Date: 18 January 2016

    Name of applicant:                          Keller Group plc                            
    Name of scheme:                             Keller Group plc Performance Share Plan     
    Period of return:                From:      01/07/2015       To:     31/12/2015         
    Balance of unallotted securities under      371,500 ordinary 10p shares                 
    scheme(s) from previous return:                                                         
    Plus:  The amount by which the block scheme Nil                                         
    (s) has been increased since the date of                                                
    the last return (if any increase has been                                               
    applied for):                                                                           
    Less:  Number of securities issued/allotted Nil                                         
    under scheme(s) during period (see                                                      
    Equals:  Balance under scheme(s) not yet    371,500                                     
    issued/allotted at end of period:                                                       


    Name of contact:                           Kerry Porritt                               
    Telephone number of contact:               +44(0)207 616 7575