Kasten announced that its K10 data management platform will provide support for Bottlerocket, a new open-source operating system purpose-built for hosting containers built by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Security and operational scale are key enterprise concerns for container orchestration, and now the company provides critical capabilities for backup and recovery, disaster recovery (DR), and application mobility for containerized applications leveraging Kubernetes on Bottlerocket. Built by AWS, Bottlerocket is a free and open-source Linux-based OS focused on security and maintainability, providing a reliable, consistent, and safe platform for container-based workloads that can also be used with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). K10's integration with Bottlerocket enables enterprise operations teams to: Reduce attack surface: Further protection is added by a reduction in the amount of software included in the operating system. This eliminates components that can be used in executing or escalating an attack like a shell, interpreters like Python, and even SSH. K10's deep integration with AWS services like Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), RBAC for secure operations, and end-to-end encryption also further enhances security posture. Increase operational ease: Bottlerocket uses an image-based update system instead of package-by-package updates to make the operating system more consistent and predictable. K10 provides policy driven automation that includes forward looking backup and DR policies. This allows the automatic protection of applications as they are introduced into the Kubernetes cluster. Limit development overhead: Bottlerocket uses containers as its container runtime, which is conformant with the Kubernetes CRI. Developers can take existing containers and run them on Bottlerocket without modification. K10 automatically discovers all the application components running on a cluster and treats the application as the unit of atomicity without requiring development changes. The application, including the state that spans across storage volumes, databases (NoSQL/Relational), and configuration data included in Kubernetes objects such as config maps and secrets, can be seamlessly protected with K10.