Kaiser Corporation Limited reported Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated earnings results for the quarter ended June 30, 2020. On standalone basis, Total income from operations was INR 0.577 million compared to INR 1.7 million a year ago. Loss after tax was INR 1.97 million compared to INR 1.89 million a year ago. Earnings per equity Share (Not Annualised) was INR 0.0037 compared to INR 0.0036 million a year ago. On consolidated basis, Total income from operations was INR 11.515 million compared to INR 37.117 million a year ago. Loss after tax was INR 7.997 million compared to INR 8.891 million a year ago. Earnings per equity Share (Not Annualised) was INR 0.09 compared to INR 0.10 million a year ago.