The share transfer book and register of members of Jumbo Group Limited will be closed on February 7, 2018 for the purposes of determining shareholders' entitlements to the final tax exempt (one-tier) dividend of 0.5 cents per ordinary share of the company and the special tax exempt (one-tier) dividend of 0.7 cents per share for the financial year ended September 30, 2017 to be proposed at the AGM of the company to be convened on January 29, 2018. Duly completed registrable share transfers received by the company's share registrar, M & C Services Private Limited at 112 Robinson Road, #05-01, Singapore 068902, up to 5.00 p.m. on February 6, 2018 will be registered to determine shareholders' entitlements to the proposed dividends. Shareholders whose securities accounts with The Central Depository (Pte) Limited are credited with Shares at 5.00 p.m. on February 6, 2018 will be entitled to the proposed dividends.

The proposed dividends, if approved by shareholders at the AGM, will be paid on February 14, 2018.