JLK Inspection Inc. has announced a recent signing of an agreement with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) in Lao PDR, a US based INGO on 12th of February to support the Lao PDR NTC in strengthening and expanding access to tuberculosis screening via AI enabled CXR reading. JLK Inspection was officially selected as the partner by CHAI on behalf of the Lao PDR NTC in December 2019 with its product, called 'JLD-02K', supporting clinicians to make diagnoses more effectively. JLK Inspection will be starting the project with NTC and CHAI in Lao PDR on February 20. JLK Inspection's "JLD-02K" is an AI-based lung disease analysis solution, providing convenience to the clinicians while also supporting higher precision of analysis. By using the solution, it is expected to help address the problem of low radiologist capacity while also cutting down the expense of the screening. With the project successfully implemented, all parties hope to construct an efficient tuberculosis screening process together in Lao PDR to better serve the community. With such high technical advancement, JLK Inspection's 'JLD-02K' has achieved its unique commercial compatibility to operate on a mini-PC or even on a laptop, not required to operate on high-end workstations. Utilizing core component modularization technologies to make the neural network lighter and incorporating equipment-interlocking technology, JLK Inspection has built the capability to provide the solutions with more flexibility, versatility, and stability.