Jauss Polymers Limited announced that at its board meeting held on February 14, 2020, the board approved the appointment of Mr. Shewale Saurabh Jibhau as additional independent director and appointment of Ms. Pratibha Rao Ketineni as additional executive director of the company with effect from February 14, 2020. The board also approved the resignation of Ms. Suchita Rao Ketineni from the post of the whole time director and resignation of Mr. Uttam Chhawchharia from the post of the independent director of the company with effect from February 14, 2020. The designation of Mr. Ketineni Sayaji Rao has been changed from managing director to chairman of the company with immediate effect on the existing terms & conditions subject to the approval of the members in ensuring general meeting. The designation of Mr. Keti neni Satish Rao has been changed from Whole-time director to managing director with immediate effect subject to the approval of the members in ensuring general meeting. Accordingly he will hold office as Managing Director of the company for his remaining tenure of his office.