ITCONS E-Solutions Limited announced that the company has received purchase order from M/s. Netpoleon Solutions Pte Ltd., Singapore amounting to USD 355,118 (equivalent to INR 29,450,159/- as per current rate) for providing consulting services on IPAM solution implementation. a), Name of the entity awarding the order(s)/contract(s);, M/s. NetpNap Solutions Pte Ltd., b), Significant terms and conditions of order(s) awarded in brief, Providing consulting services on IPAM solution implementation., c), Whether order(s) /contract(s) have been awarded by domestic/international entity; International entity, d), Nature of order(s) /contract(s); Purchase order for Providing consulting services on IPAM solution implementation. e), Whether domestic or international;, International, f), Time period by which the order(s/contract(s) is to be executed, Within 6 months, g), Broad consideration or size of the order(s)/contract(s);, USD 355,118 (equivalent to INR 29,450,159/- as per current rate).