The Board of Directors of iStreet Network Limited has appointed Mr. Ravindra Kala as Additional Independent director of the company with effective from 30 August 2021 to hold office till the conclusion of the upcoming Annual General Meeting and appointment of Mr. Suresh (DIN: 01868899) as Additional Independent director of the company with effective from 30 August 2021 to hold office till the conclusion of upcoming Annual General Meeting. globe. Ravindra Nemichand Kala has a wide experience in managing International Operations, Transfer Pricing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Finance operations, Accounting, Budgeting, Costing, Tax Planning and Structured Finance with a strong emphasis on enhancing overall controls and growth in profitability of the business. Mr. Jain has and experience Over 30 years in Business of Exports. Trading & CA Practice in Direct & Indirect Tax. He Mentor with Startups. He is associated as faculty with ICAI for CA Students MCS & Orientation Training and is Conveyor for CPE Study Circle ICAI.