Birrabong Corporation Limited has signed a binding conditional terms sheet agreement to acquire Pulse Markets Pty Ltd from Andrew Braund for AUD 3.2 million on February 21, 2018. Parties signed a share sale agreement on April 5, 2018. Under the transaction, Birrabong Corporation Limited will issue 15.79 million shares at AUD 0.20 per share, which will equate to 19.7% of the issued capital of Birrabong Corporation Limited. As a result of the acquisition and subject to shareholder approval Birrabong Corporation Limited shall change its name. Post completion, Pulse Markets Pty Ltd shall operate as a subsidiary of Birrabong Corporation Limited. As of June 30, 2017, Pulse Markets Pty Ltd reported total revenue of AUD 2.9 million, net loss of AUD 0.37 million and net assets of AUD 0.42 million. As of June 30, 2017, it had total assets of AUD 0.89 million. The changes will be made to the board of Birrabong Corporation Limited. Birrabong Corporation Limited obtaining all necessary shareholder and regulatory approvals as well as third party approvals or consents. Birrabong Corporation Limited must obtain an extension of time from the ASX for its re-listing beyond April 7, 2018. Birrabong Corporation Limited is obtaining approval from ASX for its ordinary shares to be reinstated. The transaction is subject to completion of the proposed capital raising. The notice of shareholder meeting is scheduled on March 2018. As on April 27, 2018, the transaction has been approved by the shareholders of the Birrabong Corporation Limited. Birrabong Corporation Limited completed the acquisition of Pulse Markets Pty Ltd from Andrew Braund on June 25, 2018. Mr Steve Nicols has been appointed as a director of Birrabong Corporation Limited. Birrabong Corporation Limited has changed its name to BIR Financial Limited.