Translation for information purpose only


Société Anonyme with a Board of Directors

With a share capital of EUR 421,341.69

Registered Office : 50, Rue de Dijon, 21121 Daix 537 530 255 Trade and Companies Register of Dijon



The shareholders of INVENTIVA are hereby informed that the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting is to be held on January 25, 2023 at 2 p.m., at: Hôtel Oceania Le Jura - 14 avenue Foch - 21000 Dijon, France, as mentioned in the prior notice of meeting published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales et Obligatoires (BALO) n°151 dated December 19th, 2022.

The General Meeting is convened to deliberate on the following agenda:


Reading of the reports of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors ;

Ordinary items

1. Ratification of the appointment (cooptation) of Ms. Lucy Lu to replace a resigning Director;

Extraordinary items

  1. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, immediately or in the future, with shareholders' preemptive subscription rights maintained;
  2. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, immediately or in the future, without shareholders' preemptive subscription rights, by way of public offerings, excluding offers referred to in Article L.411-2 1° of the French Code monétaire et financier;
  3. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, immediately or in the future, without shareholders' preemptive subscription rights, by way of public offerings referred to in Article L.411- 2 1° of the French Code monétaire et financier;
  4. Authorization to the Board of Directors to set the issuance price on the capital increases by way of public offerings, without shareholders' preemptive rights, pursuant to the terms and conditions set by the General Shareholders' Meeting, and up to the limit of 10% of the share capital;
  5. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the company by issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, immediately or in the future, reserved for certain specific categories of beneficiaries, without shareholders' preemptive subscription rights;
  6. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the company by issuance of ordinary shares, immediately or in the future, reserved for certain specific categories of beneficiaries meeting specific characteristics within the framework of an equity financing agreement on the US market called "At- the-market" or "ATM", without shareholders' preemptive subscription rights;
  1. Authorization to the Board of Directors to increase the number of securities to be issued as part of share capital increases with or without shareholders' preemptive subscription rights;
  2. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by issuance of ordinary shares and securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, immediately or in the future, as part of a public exchange offer initiated by the Company;
  3. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, immediately or in the future, in consideration for contributions in kind up to a maximum of 10% of the share capital, excluding the case of a public exchange offer initiated by the Company;
  4. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company immediately or in the future by the company reserved for members of a company savings plan to be set up by the Company under the conditions provided for in Article L.3332-18 et seq. of the French Code du travail, without shareholders' preferential subscription rights;
  5. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by incorporating reserves, profits or premiums;
  6. Authorization to the Board of Directors to grant free shares to employees and/or certain corporate officers;
  7. Authorization to the Board of Directors to grant share subscription and/or share purchase options to corporate officers and employees of the Company or companies of the group, entailing the waiver by shareholders of their preferential rights to subscribe for shares issued following the exercise of stock options;
  8. Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to decide on the issue of share subscription warrants, without shareholders' preemptive subscription rights, to the benefit of categories of persons;

On an ordinary basis

16. Power for formalities.







FIRST RESOLUTION (Ratification of the appointment (cooptation) of Ms. Lucy Lu to replace a resigning Director)

The General Meeting, deliberating in accordance with the quorum and majority requirements for ordinary general meetings, having acquainted itself with the Board of Directors' report,

Ratifies the appointment (cooptation), resolved by the Board of Directors on November 9th, 2022, of Ms. Lucy Lu as Director in order to replace the company Sofinnova Partners, who has resigned, for the remaining duration of the latter's term of office, i.e. until the end of the General Meeting called to approve the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2023.


SECOND RESOLUTION (Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, immediately or in the future, with shareholders' preemptive subscription rights maintained)

The General Shareholders' Meeting, voting under the rules of quorum and majority required for Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors' Report and the Statutory Auditors' Special report and duly noting that the share capital has been fully paid up, and acting pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 225-129et seq. of the French Code de commerce, and in particular Articles L. 225-129-2, L. 225-

  1. to L. 225-134 and L. 228-91et seq. of the French Code de commerce,
  1. Delegates to the Board of Directors, with the right to subdelegate under the conditions provided by French law, the authority to proceed with, one or more issuances, in France and/or abroad, in euros or in any other currency or currency units established by reference to several currencies, with maintenance of the shareholders' preemptive subscription rights, of ordinary shares of the Company and/or any securities giving access, immediately or in the future, to ordinary shares to be issued by the Company, including through the free allocation of share subscription warrants, which may be subscribed for either in cash or by offsetting against claims, in the amount and at the times it deems appropriate.
  2. Decides that the shareholders shall have, proportionally to the amount of their shares, preferential subscription rights over the ordinary shares and securities giving access to the share capital of the Company to be issued and that the Board of Directors may grant shareholders excess subscription rights for ordinary shares or securities issued, to be exercised in proportion to their subscription rights and within the limit of their requests.

If the subscriptions on an irreducible basis and, as the case may be, on a reducible basis, do not absorb the entire issuance of shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company pursuant to this resolution, the Board of Directors may use the options provided by Article L. 225-134 of the French Code de commerce, in the order of its choice, or only some of them, and in particular the limitations of the issuance to the amount of subscriptions received, provided that such amount reaches at least three-quarters of the issuance decided upon, or decides to offer to the public all or part of the securities not subscribed.

3. Decides that the maximum nominal amount of the share capital increases that may be performed, immediately or in the future, pursuant to this resolution shall not exceed one million euros (EUR 1,000,000), it being specified that the maximum nominal amount of the share capital increases that may be performed, immediately or in the future, pursuant to this resolution, resolutions 3 to 11 of this General Shareholders' Meeting, as well as capital increases that may be performed pursuant to resolutions 13 to 15 of this Meeting, will count towards this overall cap. Added to this cap will be, as the case may be, the aggregate par value of any additional shares to be issued in order to preserve, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and, as the case may be, other


contractual provisions that provide for other cases of adjustment, the rights of holders of securities giving access to the share capital of the Company.

4. Decides that securities giving access, immediately or in the future, to ordinary shares to be issued by the Company may notably consist of debt securities or be associated with the issuance of such securities, or allow their issuance as intermediate securities, and that the debt securities issued pursuant to this resolution may take the form of subordinated or non-subordinated securities, for a fixed or indefinite term, and be issued in euros, or in any other currency or currency units established by reference to several currencies.

The maximum nominal amount of such debt securities that may be issued pursuant to this resolution shall not exceed one hundred and fifty million euros (EUR 150,000,000) or the counter-value of this amount in another currency or in any currency units established by reference to several currencies. This amount is a global cap which applies to all of the debt securities whose issuance is provided for pursuant to this resolution and resolutions 3 to 10 of this General Shareholders' Meeting. This cap is independent from the debt securities whose issuance would be decided or authorized by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article L. 228-40 of the French Code de commerce.

  1. Acknowledges that, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 225-132 paragraph 6 of the French Code de commerce, this resolution includes the waiver of the shareholders' preemptive subscription rights over the ordinary shares of the Company to which any securities issued pursuant to this resolution may entitle them.
  2. Decides that the Board of Directors will have full authority, with the right to subdelegate under the conditions provided by French law, to implement this resolution, and in particular to:
    • determine the characteristics, amount and terms and conditions of any issuance and of the securities issued, in particular, the category of the securities issued and set their subscription price, with or without premium, the terms and conditions for their payment in full (which may be achieved through cash settlement and/or offsetting liquid and due receivables or partly in cash and partly by incorporating reserves, earnings or premiums), the date of their entitlement to dividends, which may be retroactive, the terms and conditions under which the securities issued on pursuant to this resolution could give access to ordinary shares to be issued, the conditions under which such securities could also give access to existing shares or debt securities of the Company, the conditions of their redemption or possible cancellation as well as the possibility of suspending the exercise of the allotment rights attached to the securities to be issued; these issuances may be performed by subscription offer as well as by free allotment to the owners of existing shares, including share warrants, and that, in the event of a free allotment, the Board of Directors shall have the right to decide that allotment rights, forming fractions shall not be transferable and that the corresponding securities shall be sold;
    • determine when the securities issued will consist of or be associated with debt securities, their fixed or indefinite term, their subordinated or non-subordinated form, and their interest rate;
    • take all necessary measures to preserve the rights of the holders of securities or other rights giving access to the share capital of the Company, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and, as the case may be, other contractual provisions that provide for other cases of adjustment;
    • charge, as the case may be, the fees and expenses related to the share capital increases against the related premiums, and, if it deems it appropriate, deduct from this amount the sums necessary to increase the legal reserve to one-tenth of the new total share capital resulting from each issuance;
    • enter into any agreement, in particular to ensure the completion and proper execution, in the amount and on the dates it deems appropriate, in France and/or abroad, of the contemplated issuances, as well as defer them, where appropriate;
    • have shares, securities to be issued or securities issued through the exercise of securities giving access to shares to be issued, admitted to trading on a regulated market or any other financial market located outside the European Economic Area; and
    • record the completion of the capital increases performed in accordance with this resolution, amend accordingly the by-laws, performed any and all formalities and statements, and call for any authorizations that may be necessary to performed and complete these issuances successfully.
  3. Decides that the aforementioned delegation is granted for a period of 26 months as from the date of this General Shareholders' Meeting and terminates, with immediate effect, any previous delegation granted for the same purpose. It therefore supersedes the delegation granted by the Combined General Shareholders' Meeting dated May 19th, 2022 in its 21st resolution.


The Board of Directors will inform the General Shareholders' Meeting each year of the transactions performed in accordance with this resolution.

THIRD RESOLUTION (Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company by issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, immediately or in the future, without shareholders' preemptive subscription rights, by way of public offerings, excluding offers referred to in Article L.411-21° of the French Code monétaire et financier)

The General Shareholders' Meeting, voting under the rules of quorum and majority required for Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meetings, having reviewed the Board of Directors' report and the Statutory Auditors' special report and duly noting that the share capital has been fully paid up, and acting pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 225-129et seq. of the French Code de commerce, and in particular Article L. 225-129-2, L. 225-135 and L. 22-10-52, and Articles L. 228-91et seq. of the French Code de commerce,

1. Delegates to the Board of Directors, with the right to subdelegate under the conditions provided by French law, the authority to proceed with, one or more issuances, by way of public offerings, excluding offers referred to in article L. 411-2 1° pf the French Code de commerce, in France and/or abroad, in euros or in any other currency or currency units established by reference to several currencies, without shareholders' preemptive subscription rights, of ordinary shares of the Company and/or securities giving access, immediately or in the future, to ordinary shares to be issued by the Company, in the amount and at the times it deems appropriate.

Public offerings, performed pursuant to this resolution, may be combined, within one or several simultaneous issuances, with offerings pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 411-2 1° of the French Code monétaire et financier.

  1. Decides that the maximum nominal amount of the share capital increases that may be performed, pursuant to this resolution shall not exceed one million euros (EUR 1,000,000), it being specified that this cap will count towards the overall cap of one million euros (EUR 1,000,000) stipulated in paragraph 3 of the 2nd resolution. Added to those caps will be, as the case may be, the aggregate par value of any additional shares to be issued in order to preserve, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and, as the case may be, other contractual provisions that provide for other cases of adjustment, the rights of holders of securities giving access to the share capital of the Company.
  2. Decides that securities giving access to ordinary shares to be issued by the Company may notably consist of debt securities or be associated with the issuance of such securities, or allow their issuance as intermediate securities, and that the debt securities issued pursuant to this resolution may take the form of subordinated or non-subordinated securities, for a fixed or indefinite term, and be issued in euros, or in any other currency or currency units established by reference to several currencies.

The maximum nominal amount of such debt securities that may be issued pursuant to this resolution shall not exceed one hundred and fifty million euros (EUR 150,000,000) or the counter-value of this amount in another currency or in any currency units established by reference to several currencies, it being specified that the maximum par value of debt securities that may be issued pursuant to this resolution cannot exceed the overall cap stipulated in paragraph 4 of the 2nd resolution. This cap is independent from the amount of debt securities whose issuance would be decided or authorized by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article L. 228-40 of the French Code de commerce.

  1. Decides to waive the shareholders' preemptive subscription rights over ordinary shares and securities giving access to the capital of the Company that can be issued pursuant to this resolution.
  2. Acknowledges that this resolution includes the waiver of the shareholders' preemptive subscription rights over ordinary shares of the Company to which any securities issued pursuant to this resolution may entitle them.
  3. Decides that the Board of Directors may grants shareholders a priority right to subscribe to as irreducible and/or reducible amounts, during a period and on the terms set by it, for all or part of an issuance performed pursuant to this resolution. This priority right will be allocated in proportion to shareholders' existing interests in the share capital of the Company in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Decides that if subscriptions by shareholders do not absorb the entire issuance of ordinary shares or securities giving access to the share capital of the Company, the Board of Directors may use the options provided by Article


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Inventiva SA published this content on 03 January 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 03 January 2023 10:27:07 UTC.