INTOSOL Holdings Plc provided an update on the development of its unique and proprietary travel design technologies, VIRTOSOL II, VIRTOWORLD and VIRTOSOL@STREET (the 'Technologies'). The Technologies, which are being developed for deployment in the next twelve months, are modeled on INTOSOL's successful VIRTOSOL software which allows the customer to preview their holiday via a step-by-step interactive multimedia presentation. VIRTSOL II: Over the last two years the Company has been developing VIRTOSOL II, an upgraded version of the existing VIRTOSOL technology, which features a digital world map with a very high level of accuracy and detail. The new software will also feature updated photo galleries and high-quality videos to provide the client with a fully immersive, interactive preview of their holiday. VIRTOSOL II is expected to emulate the success of VIRTOSOL, and VIRTOSOL itself resulted in increased revenues for the Company in addition to being a powerful and differentiated sales tool. VIRTOWORLD: VIRTOWORLD will utilise virtual reality ('VR') technology to offer clients an opportunity to experience a fully immersive virtual preview of an upcoming trip booked with INTOSOL. Existing or prospective clients will be able to activate the "Glasses On" mode on the Company website to preview available trips that can be designed by the Company's Private Travel Designers. When completed, the new VIRTOWORLD product is anticipated to assist in the marketing of INTOSOL to prospective travel agency partners, as well as offering a unique tool to the Company's existing client base. VIRTOSOL@STREET: VIRTOSOL@STREET is a mobile app that provides INTOSOL guests with a personalised travel guide throughout their trip including all navigation data in addition to unique tips on sights, attractions and restaurants. When completed, all information provided on the app will be completely personalised to the client's unique requirements, for example showing romantic destinations for honeymooners or the best vineyards for the wine enthusiast.