(Alliance News) - Intesa Sanpaolo Spa has announced EUR3 billion for businesses in Umbria thanks to "Your future is our business," the banking group's new national program that nationwide makes EUR120 billion available until 2026 to accompany the planning of SMEs and smaller companies, a vital system of Italian entrepreneurship and supply chains in the territories.

The plan - reads the company's statement - "aims to encourage new investments for Italian competitiveness by accelerating the dynamics of good performance of the production system and ensuring the immediate activation of sustainable and long-term strategies. A series of interventions that is part of the group's actions to support the realization of the objectives set in the PNRR, for which a total of more than EUR410 billion has been allocated, as announced by CEO Carlo Messina."

With the new program, the note says, the bank intends to accelerate the transformation processes needed for industrial renewal, energy and digital transition of companies, facilitating access to the new measures of the PNRR, intervening in three priority areas: transition 5.0 and energy, foreign development and new markets, and digital progress and security.

Intesa Sanpaolo's stock trades in the red by 2.1 percent at EUR3.53 per share.

By Chiara Bruschi, Alliance News reporter

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