INTELLIHR LIMITED announced that Ilona Charles has joined the Board of intelliHR Limited as a non-executive Director effective today. Ilona Charles is an experienced executive with an extensive career in human resources, transformation and change across multiple industries. She has been the Chief People officer for Aconex, CSIRO and Medibank and has held senior executive director roles with Telstra and NAB. Ilona is a Non-Executive Director with Goulburn Valley Health and LaunchVic and holds an advisory role to the People Committee and Board of the Burnet Institute. Ilona brings a wealth of experience and a unique combination of skills in HR, SaaS, start-ups and corporates and is passionate about supporting and enabling fast growth companies. She is the co-founder of shilo., a national HR consultancy providing world class on-demand HR talent. Ilona is also the founder of pivotnow, a strategic advisory business with a focus on people.