Applied Recognition and Intellicheck announced a new partnership to advance digital identity authentication. Applied Recognition and Intellicheck will incorporate one another’s technology into each partner’s respective product offerings, combining barcoded identity authentication with facial recognition. The combined, comprehensive technology solutions will heighten identity theft protection, curbing fraudsters' ability to manipulate document, photo and video authentication to perpetrate financial and retail fraud. The frictionless, engaging, user experience will feature the user capturing the front and rear image of a barcoded photo ID and then a selfie, both taken using a mobile device’s camera. The submitted information is rapidly analyzed for barcode authentication, optical character recognition validation and scoring, and face-recognition-powered comparison of the selfie to the ID’s photo. Collectively, these tests ensure a valid identity authentication. The combined technology solutions will advance identity authentication and deliver a cost-effective solution for the financial services and retail industries, addressing legal, regulatory and know-your-customer requirements, as well as providing powerful anti-fraud protection. The combined functionality will be available in a range of product formats: software-as-a-service subscription licenses, usage-based server modules, and mobile SDKs. The combined service offerings will be available for use in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.