Intapp announced a new partnership with ComplySci. Intapp and ComplySci's partnership will deliver an integrated and comprehensive firm and personal conflicts clearance solution to clients. The integration aligns ComplySci's ability to record, monitor, and report on employee personal trading activities with DealCloud and Intapp Conflicts, allowing compliance teams to pinpoint firm and individual-based conflicts, record actions, and document resolutions.

Key benefits for professional and financial services firms include: Holistic search functionality across integrated personal and team conflicts, sanctions, and control room data, reducing the potential for missed conflicts or improper activities. A comprehensive history and audit trail of conflict checks, which is easy to pull for regulators and reduces the risk of penalties. A configurable system that searches a firm's complex transactions to ensure proper conflict checks and approvals.

Streamlined requests for conflict checks to increase efficiency, improve user experience, and provide deeper visibility into checks, statuses, and next steps.