Inactive Instrument

Insurance Company "Kommesk-Omir Stock




Life & Health Insurance

SK Kommesk-Omir AO (Strakhovaya kompaniya Kommesk-Omir AO or Insurance Company Kommesk-Omir OJSC) is a Kazakhstan-based company active in the insurance field. Its services include compulsory civil responsibility insurance for the vehicle owners (AUTO-CASCO), transport providers and employers. The Company offers also a range of optional services, like health, accident, property, fire and motorcar insurances, among others. SK Kommesk-Omir AO operates through numerous wholly owned subsidiaries located countrywide, including: Akmolinskoe TOO, Karagandinskoe TOO, Semipalatinskoe TOO and Ural'skoe TOO, among others. As of January 1, 2012, the Company's major shareholder was Sentras Kapital TOO with a stake of 74.52%.
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