Innovaro, Inc. announced that Navis LLC. has entered into an agreement to become a LaunchPad Imagine client and a LaunchPad Design alpha testing partner. Navis will first deploy LaunchPad Imagine to support their internal innovation process then utilize the results from Imagine with Design to assist in developing the business model for new opportunities. LaunchPad enables companies to access, apply and extract value from a world class, proven innovation methodology while shortening the introduction lifecycle and substantially reducing the risk associated with a new product or business launch. LaunchPad allows users to quickly realize and validate new concepts while maximizing and leveraging existing core competencies within the organization. The rigorous and disciplined methods incorporated into the solution, along with advisory support, enables teams to develop their ideas while building a repository of breakthrough concepts. Imagine is the first stage in the LaunchPad innovation process. During Imagine the user takes a "journey" through the innovation process starting with the collection of data relevant to the problem to be solved and ending with a set of new business concepts to be pursued. Imagine is comprised of three phases -- Discover, Ideate, Elaborate. LaunchPad Design empowers companies to transform innovative ideas into profitable business models -- ahead of investment. These models are then used to test, evaluate, and tune raw concepts to create proven, profitable go-to-market approaches. Design guides companies as they drive their new ideas through a rigorous vetting process. Thanks to Design, companies can sift through diverse ideas more efficiently, focusing resources and investments on only the most profitable candidates.