Qingdao Yingkang Medical Investment Co., Ltd. signed a share transfer agreement to acquire 29% stake in Starmap Medicine and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300143) from Ye Yunshou, Ma Lin, Liu Tianyao, Liu Yuejun and Xu Tao for CNY 1.4 billion on January 21, 2019. Under the terms, 158.6 million class A shares will be acquired at CNY 11.5 per share. A first installment of CNY 1.4 billion will be paid within 5 days since signing of the agreement. The second installment of CNY 469.7 million will be paid within 5 days since delivery of underlying equity. Ye Yunshou, Ma Lin, Liu Tianyao, Liu Yuejun and Xu Tao will sell 11.6%, 7.8%, 5%, 2.9% and 1.7% stake respectively and receive CNY 729.4 million, CNY 489.2 million, CNY 315 million, CNY 182.3 million and CNY 107.5 million respectively as consideration. Upon completion, Ye Yunshou’s stake will reduce from 22.7% to 11.1%, Ma Lin’s stake will reduce from 9.9% to 2.1%, Liu Tianyao’s stake will reduce from 5.8% to 0.8%, Liu Yuejun’s stake will reduce from 7.9% to 4.5% and Xu Tao’s stake will reduce from 6.8% to 5.1%.