Information Services Group has launched a research study examining the large and growing market for private cloud, hybrid cloud and data center outsourcing services. The study results will be published in a comprehensive ISG Provider Lens™ report, called Next-Gen Private/Hybrid Cloud – Data Center Services & Solutions 2021, scheduled to be released in July. The report will cover providers of a range of private cloud, hybrid cloud and data center services, including managed services, managed hosting and colocation services. Enterprise buyers will be able to use information from the report to evaluate their current vendor relationships, potential new engagements and available offerings, while ISG advisors use the information to recommend providers to the firm’s buy-side clients. ISG has distributed surveys to more than 315 public and hybrid cloud technology and service providers. Working in collaboration with ISG’s global advisors, the research team will produce five quadrants representing the services and products the typical enterprise customer is buying in the public and hybrid cloud space, based on ISG’s experience working with its clients. The five quadrants that will be covered are: Managed Services, assessing a provider’s ability to offer ongoing management services for private and hybrid clouds as well as traditional data center infrastructure and platforms, including physical and virtual servers, middleware, storage, databases and networking components. The infrastructure may reside in the customer’s data center or the service provider’s facilities or can be co-located in a third-party facility; Managed Hosting, covering providers offering standalone enterprise-grade hosting solutions, using their own or third-party facilities and infrastructure. The providers assessed are responsible for the day-to-day management and maintenance of data center equipment such as servers, storage, operating systems and connectivity to the external network; Colocation Services, assessing providers offering standardized data center operations as colocation services for midmarket and large enterprise customers. The participating companies offer community access points for various hosting providers, system integrators, carriers or telecommunication providers and end users. Enterprise customers using colocation services expect a standardized and sophisticated data center setup, many carrier choices, low latency and high bandwidth at affordable prices to deliver rich content or critical, latency-sensitive information to users; Hyperconverged Systems (Software Vendors), analyzing vendors offering hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) with preconfigured software and blueprints designed to scale server and storage clusters. An HCI can centrally manage a scalable enterprise cloud, on-premises infrastructure and private clouds built on public cloud virtual machines. An HCI manages network, disks, memory, CPU and GPU cores, forming clusters or processing nodes; Hybrid Cloud Management Platforms, looking at vendors of software used to build and operate infrastructures, and offering a robust integrated management platform for on-premises, public, private and hybrid clouds. This platform provides consistency across cloud environments and enables enterprises to achieve cost-effective, automated and standardized application deployments across multi-cloud environments with robust container capability.