Press release Toulouse, September 10, 2013 PRESS RELEASE Complementary information on collective procedure

INDEX MULTIMEDIA SA was placed under safeguard on 03/07/2013, procedure converted into receivership on 05/30/2013.
In the scope of this receivership procedure, searches for takeover were conducted. As of today, four offers for the takeover of INDEX MULTIMEDIA SA's assets are deposited.
The Toulouse Court of Commerce will examine these takeover offers on Tuesday October 8, 2013.
In parallel, TECHNIQUES MODERATION ET CONVERGENCE SAS (TMC), 100% subsidiary of INDEX MULTIMEDIA SA, was placed into receivership by judgment of 09/03/2013.
Until the audience called to examine the takeover offers, INDEX MULTIMEDIA SA continues its activity and will disclose its consolidated sales for the 4th quarter 2012-2013 on September 13, 2013.

INDEX MULTIMEDIA is specialized in the development and sale of multimedia products and services INDEX MULTIMEDIA is listed at Euronext Paris Compartment C under ISIN code: FR0004061513 - Reuters code: INDM.PA - Bloomberg code: MUL:FP



Kiichiro Imamura:

Yasushi Kishikawa:


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