IC Plus Corp. announced the announcement of Audit Committee members of the 7th session. Date of occurrence of the change" June 17, 2024.

Name of the previous position holder: Mr. Chun Kuan, Mr. Yu-Lin Cheng, Mr. Chia-Cheng Liu, Mr. Chia-Chung Chen. Name of the new position holder: Mr. Chia-Chung Chen, Ms. Hsiang-Chu Lai, Ms. Ya-Jing Li. Resume of the new position holder: Mr. Chia-Chung Chen/Independent Director,(member of Audit Committee and Compensation Committee) IC PLUS Corp.; Ms. Hsiang-Chu Lai/Previous professor and Executive Director of EMBA, School of Management, National Normal University.

Ms. Ya-Jing Li/-Independent Director (member of Audit Committee and Compensation Committee), Silicon Integrated Systems. Effective date of the new member: June 21, 2024.