Hyzon Motors Inc. announced a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Transform Materials, a provider of renewable hydrogen through its innovative proprietary microwave reactor technology. Together, Hyzon and Transform Materials will evaluate proposals to develop facilities to produce low-to-negative carbon intensity hydrogen from various forms of methane, prioritizing biogas and renewable natural gas. Through Transform Material's proprietary technology, these facilities (acting as hubs) can be built to produce hydrogen efficiently-even at small scales of 1-5 tons/day-offering modular construction that allows capacity to grow as customer demand increases.

Transform's technology to be employed in these projects produces hydrogen as a co-product with acetylene, providing significantly advantaged hydrogen cost structures. Additionally, Transform's technology can generate carbon solids such as acetylene black or graphene, providing for useful carbon capture while yielding significantly negative carbon-intensity products, particularly when utilizing biogas as the feedstock. Hyzon will evaluate opportunities to utilize the carbon solids Transform produces in Hyzon truck materials, such as battery and carbon fiber production, offering further circular economy opportunities in Hyzon's operations.

Pursuant to the MoU, Hyzon and Transform will seek to align hydrogen production with the accelerating demand created by Hyzon's heavy-duty vehicles. Hubs would be located and sized to fulfill existing and potential customer needs, leading to high utilization by Hyzon's back-to-base vehicle deployments. Transform Materials' clean plasma technology can convert methane into hydrogen and acetylene without the CO2 emissions that result from traditional processes for generating hydrogen and acetylene.

Utilizing this flexible, readily available feedstock without emitting CO2 results in low-to-negative carbon intensity hydrogen for powering Hyzon's zero-emissions vehicles. Under the MoU, the companies plan to explore sites in the US, Canada, Europe and potentially China for facilities that would incorporate the Transform technology, with initial evaluations expected to begin early this year. Transform Materials will build, own, and operate the hubs, with Hyzon having the right to invest equity in the facilities.

Feedstock and dispensing will be provided through third parties.