* Hyloris CEO: 'surprised' at reaction from FSMA

* FSMA says it has doubts over company's information to market

BRUSSELS, July 5 (Reuters) - Belgium's FSMA financial regulator issued a warning to the market on Friday regarding Hyloris Pharmaceuticals, saying it had doubts over the financial information issued to the market by Hyloris.

The FSMA said its warning related to how Hyloris had evaluated one of its recent licences.

Asked to comment on the FSMA's warning notice, Hyloris CEO Stijn Van Rompay told Reuters: "I am extremely surprised by this turn of events."

He said the company aimed to issue an update on its situation to investors.

Hyloris has a current stock market capitalisation of around 330 million euros ($357.5 million).

($1 = 0.9232 euros) (Reporting by Sudip Kar-Gupta. Editing by Jane Merriman)