HydroGraph Clean Power Inc. announced that application of its graphene improves the operating life of base oil lubricants by more than 24 times and reduces the coefficient of friction by 70%. The global lubrication market is a $136 billion industry with virtually all moving parts requiring some form of lubrication. Most lubricants over time degrade, requiring machine shut down and replacement and disposal of lubricants, but the low coefficient of friction of lubricants with HydroGraph's graphene reduces mechanical wear, break downs and downtime, while extending the lubricant lifecycle.

For example, an average car in the US requires engine oil to be changed 4 times a year. These advances could potentially lead to never having to change the oil in the vehicle, as well as the environmental benefit of less oil refining to make lubricants and less lubricant to dispose of. HydroGraph tested the lubricating properties of commercial base oil in a traditional setting, compared to using its graphene as an ultra-low weight percentage additive.

To test the properties, a series of sweeping speed trials were conducted until the point of lubrication failure. Without graphene, the base oil could no longer provide adequate lubrication and reached a failure point after three trials. With the addition of HydroGraph's graphene to the base oil, 72 speed trials were achieved with no signs of hitting a failure point.