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This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 17.06A of the Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules").
The board of directors (the "Board") of Hutchison Whampoa Limited (the "Company") announces that on 20 December 2013, 896,386 share options were granted by Hutchison China MediTech Limited ("HCML", an approximately 70% held subsidiary of the Company, whose shares are traded on the Alternative Investment Market operated by London Stock Exchange plc) under its share option scheme (the "HCML Scheme") to certain Eligible Employees (as defined in the HCML Scheme) to subscribe for ordinary shares of nominal value of US$1 each of HCML (each a "HCML Share"), subject to the acceptance of the grantees. Details of such share options prescribed to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 17.06A of the Listing Rules are as follows:
Date of grant : 20 December 2013
Exercise price of share options granted : GBP6.10 per HCML Share
Number of share options granted : 896,386 (each share option shall entitle the holders thereof to subscribe for one HCML Share)
Market price of the HCML Shares on the date of grant
: GBP6.10 per HCML Share
Validity period of the share options : 20 December 2013 to 19 December 2023
The grantees are neither a director, chief executive nor substantial shareholder of HCML, or an associate (as defined under the Listing Rules) of any of them.
By Order of the Board

Edith Shih

Company Secretary

Hong Kong, 14 January 2014
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are:

Executive Directors:

Mr LI Ka-shing (Chairman)
Mr LI Tzar Kuoi, Victor (Deputy Chairman)
Mr FOK Kin Ning, Canning
Mrs CHOW WOO Mo Fong, Susan
Mr Frank John SIXT
Mr LAI Kai Ming, Dominic
Mr KAM Hing Lam

Non-executive Directors:

Mr LEE Yeh Kwong, Charles
Mr George Colin MAGNUS

Independent Non-executive Directors: The Hon Sir Michael David KADOORIE Mr Holger KLUGE

Ms LEE Wai Mun, Rose
Mr William Elkin MOCATTA (Alternate to The Hon Sir Michael David Kadoorie)
Mr WONG Chung Hin

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