Huscoke Holdings Limited announced that pursuant to Rule 13.49(3) of the Listing Rules, if the Company is unable to publish its annual results within the prescribed timeframe, it must, so far as such information is available, announce its results prepared based on the financial results which have yet to be agreed upon with the auditors. In order to keep the Shareholders and potential investors informed of the Group's business operation and financial position, the Company expects to publish the unaudited annual results of the Company for the year ended 31 March 2024, which will have been reviewed by the audit committee of the Company but have not been agreed with the Auditors, together with the audited comparable figures for the corresponding period in the previous period, on 28 June 2024. Shareholders of the Company and potential investors should note that the relevant figures in the 2023/24 Unaudited Annual Results Announcement of the Group to be published by the Company on 28 June 2024 may differ from its actual Annual Results Announcement to be published later.