HempAmericana Inc. announced that it has begun processing 4,100 lbs of in-house Hemp Flower inventory at its primary extraction and processing facility in Augusta, Maine. This initial production phase will output a high-quality raw biomass to be stored in cryo-freezers installed at the facility. As previously stated in the Press Release dated October 31, 2018, two final pieces of refining equipment are scheduled to arrive later this month that, when installed and activated, will convert the stored high-quality biomass into a fully refined CBD distillate, ideal for use in manufacturing CBD products such as oil tinctures, capsules, and vapes. The initial ramping-up process will be managed according to best-practice protocols. During this initial stage, the facility will be run with single-shift manpower and 33% processing capacity (relative to maximum potential capacity for the supercritical CO2 extraction machine). This will provide for a standard “working out the kinks” phase, during which the production team will become fully acquainted w ith all elements of operation and workflow through a series of production cycles, and management will be able to review and optimize the process. The Company will then consult with technical experts from the machine manufacturer, who will aid in scaling up production to full capacity.