FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The shares of Hellofresh made another stabilization attempt on Friday. With a plus of 2.7 percent to 25.06 euros, they found some support at the 100-day line, which is important for the medium- to long-term trend. Whether this breaks the downward trend of recent weeks remains to be seen in view of the failed attempts. Since the interim high in mid-September, the share price had fallen by up to 29 percent.

A positive study also supported the current MDax leader on Friday. Analyst Nizla Naizer of Deutsche Bank Research reiterated her buy recommendation and raised the price target from 36 to 41 euros. She now sees even more potential for the shares than before. However, she justifies the target increase not only with the expectation that the cooking box shipper has stabilized its customer base in the third quarter, but also with the valuation period being shifted further into the future./gl/jha/