HeartCore Enterprises, Inc. announced it has partnered with Hitachi Systems Ltd. (?Hitachi Systems?) to offer a combined package of HeartCore CMS and GRED Web Security Assessment Cloud. Cyberattacks have become increasingly sophisticated and frequent each year, targeting websites of all sizes and industries and leaving webmasters to handle daily incidents. With a wide adoption of CMS platforms for content and website management purposes, robust security measures across all platforms are crucial to protect the corporate brand.

Recognizing the industry-wide vulnerabilities, HeartCore has partnered with Hitachi Systems to offer a bundled package of the HeartCore CMS platform and Hitachi Systems? GRED Web Security Assessment Cloud, an automated cloud-based service that assesses vulnerabilities in web infrastructure prone to cyberattacks. The partnership leverages automation to consistently perform security assessments and update vulnerable information, relieving website operators of this burden and reducing company costs for cybersecurity measures.