Healthcare Triangle Inc. enables collaborative data sharing and analysis through “neutral zone”. A neutral zone for data collaborative research revolutionizes personalized medicine in healthcare and life sciences. With a neutral zone, innovation no longer depends solely on the ability of one company to capture and analyze data.

Instead, organizations partner with a third-party algorithm provider to create a secure area where AI, machine learning and other advanced algorithms may be applied to the data. It's an approach that protects the security of the data as well as each organization's intellectual property (IP). It also positions organizations to harness the power of patient data at scale—their own and those of data research collaborators.

Neutral zone gives organizations the ability to allow access to specific data only to the algorithm that will analyze the data for research. The data are essentially “shared but sealed.” The raw data are never disclosed, and data owners can control which portions of a data set are used and how they are used. Here's how a neutral zone for data collaborative research and sharing is accelerating personalized medicine in healthcare and life sciences: Sets the stage for collaborative research without sacrificing security of IP or PHI; Establishes a reliable data engineering infrastructure for innovation and Speeds up decentralization and industrialization of clinical trials.