The board of directors of Haitong International Securities Group Limited (the company, together with its subsidiaries, the Group) announced that Mr. QU Qiuping has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board and a Non-executive Director, the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the Strategic Development Committee as well as a member of the Remuneration Committee of the company effective from 8 February 2018. Mr. JI Yuguang will retire as the Chairman of the Board and a Non-executive Director of the company and will cease to act as the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the Strategic Development Committee as well as a member of the Remuneration Committee of the company effective from 8 February 2018. The company also announced Mr. POON Mo Yiu has been re-designated from Non-executive Director to Executive Director of the company and appointed as a member of the Executive Committee of the company effective from 8 February 2018. Mr. QU has served as an executive Director, the general manager and the deputy secretary of CPC party committee of Haitong Securities Co. Ltd. since 25 June 2014.