The Board of Directors of Hachi-Ban Co. Ltd. (JASDAQ:9950) authorized a share repurchase program on January 24, 2013. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 200,000 shares, representing 1.37% of its outstanding shares at a price of ¥341 per share for ¥68.2 million.

The shares will be repurchased on the Osaka Securities Exchange's J-Net market. The purpose of the program is to pursue a dynamic capital strategy responsive to the changes in the business environment. The repurchases will be pursuant to Article 165 clause 2 of Corporate Law.

The repurchases will be made on January 25, 2013. As of January 24, 2013, the company has 14,646,639 outstanding shares excluding treasury and 1,393,919 shares in treasury.