9 January 2013
Company Announcements Platform
Australian Stock Exchange
10th Floor, 20 Bond Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Suite C1, 1 Honeysuckle Drive, 'The Boardwalk' Newcastle NSW 2300

PO Box 509, Newcastle NSW 2300

Telephone: 02 4914 5910

Facsimile: 02 4925 3505 www.guildfordcoal.com.au

Mongolian Coal Production Update

The Board of Guildford Coal Limited (Guildford) (ASX: GUF) provides the following update in relation to progress of mining activities in Mongolia by its Mongolian subsidiaries at both the North Pit and East Pit in the South Gobi Coal Project.
Guildford remains confident of a successful 2013 with coal production and positive cashflow forecast from the South Gobi Coal Project. In the later part of 2012, there were some minor delays to the commencement of mining due primarily to the following factors -