Guidewire Software, Inc. and ICEYE announced that ICEYE?s new Ready for Guidewire validated accelerator is now available to ClaimCenter on Guidewire Cloud users in the Guidewire Marketplace. ICEYE, a recent Insurtech Vanguards program graduate and the winner of Guidewire?s inaugural Insurtech Vanguards Pitch Day, is now a Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution partner. ICEYE?s NatCat Insights solution, powered by its own synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite constellation and a mix of comprehensive third-party data, delivers persistent monitoring capabilities to detect and respond to climate-related changes quickly and accurately in any location on Earth.

This rapid situational awareness of natural disasters enables insurers to optimize response plans, communicate proactively with policyholders, size losses effectively, identify priority regions, and allocate and deploy resources efficiently. ICEYE?s accelerator integrates ICEYE NatCat Insights with ClaimCenter on Guidewire Cloud. With the ICEYE Accelerator for NatCat Insights, insurers can: Integrate ICEYE?s powerful data into the First Notice of Loss (FNOL) workflow and subsequent claims adjudication processes, empowering more informed decisions; Expedite FNOL intake by easily validating losses, improving the accuracy and efficiency of claims triage and routing; and · Boost customer satisfaction with reduced claim cycle times, faster claims payments, and proactive communication with policyholders.

ICEYE owns and operates the world?s SAR satellite constellation, which collects images day and night in any weather conditions. This allows ICEYE to provide global coverage with up to sub-daily monitoring, enabling a fast, accurate response to changes taking place anywhere on the planet.