On October 12, 2022, Guangdong Jiayuan Technology Co.,Ltd. closed the transaction. The company issued 70,257,493 shares at a price of CNY 48.50 per share for gross proceeds of CNY 3,407,488,427.50. The transaction included participation from 17 investors including Ganzhou Development and Growth Investment Fund No.

3 (Limited Partnership), a fund managed by Ganzhou Development Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. for 11,958,762 shares, Guangdong Jiayuan Investment Industrial Development Co., Ltd. for 10,309,278 shares, Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. for 7,107,216 shares, and individual investor Zheng Wenyong for 2,268,041 shares. The company received net proceeds of CNY 3,378,387,532.06 in the transaction. Out of the total gross proceeds, CNY 70,257,493 was added to the registered capital of the company, and CNY 3,308,130,039.06 was transferred to capital reserve.

The company completed the registration, custody and share restriction procedures for the transaction at the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited.