Chen Jidong signed the equity transfer agreement to acquire 5.78% stake in Guangdong Qunxing Toys Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002575) from Guangdong Qunxing Investment Co., Ltd. for approximately CNY 210 million on December 28, 2018. Under the transaction, Chen Jidong acquires 34 million shares at CNY 6.18 per share. Chen Jidong completed the acquisition of 5.78% stake in Guangdong Qunxing Toys Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002575) from Guangdong Qunxing Investment Co., Ltd. on January 25, 2019. Upon completion, Chen Jidong held 34 million shares in Guangdong Qunxing Toys Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.