G-Team (http://www.groupon.com/g-team), Groupon's philanthropic arm featuring campaigns from local organizations promoting social good, expands its North American presence this week with the launch of G-Team New Orleans - bringing G-Team's total markets served to 69.

Groupon was born out of collective action and fundraising platform The Point in 2008, and later channeled its philanthropic roots into the launch of G-Team. While Groupon enables shoppers to discover the best their city has to offer, G-Team further connects consumers to their cities by spotlighting local organizations. Facilitating support through the collective action-by-tipping point model that Groupon pioneered, G-Team campaigns are designed around an organization's specific need, like fundraising to create school supply kits, but only 'go live' if a certain number of people agree to participate. There is no cost for mission-driven organizations to participate in G-Team and all proceeds directly benefit the featured cause. This innovative approach to fundraising has raised more than $375,000 for local organizations across North America.

"We're excited to bring our New Orleans customers this entirely new way of connecting with their community," said Patty Huber, Director, G-Team. "While Groupon helps build local businesses in each market, G-Team helps support the communities where these businesses flourish."

New Orleans community members join G-Team supporters in 68 other Groupon markets including Chicago, New York, Portland, Toronto and Washington, D.C. that feature local G-Team campaigns. For more information on G-Team, visit www.groupon.com/g-team.

About G-Team

G-Team, launched in July 2010 in Chicago, features a weekly local campaign in more than 65 markets across North America, enabling Groupon followers to do good, have fun, and make a real impact in their communities. G-Team uses collective action to gather support for worthwhile causes and produce tangible results for local organizations. To learn more about G-Team and how to become a featured organization, visit http://www.groupon.com/g-team.

About Groupon

Groupon, launched in November 2008 in Chicago, features a daily deal on the best stuff to do, eat, see and buy in 47 countries around the world. Groupon uses collective buying power to offer huge discounts and provide a win-win for business and consumers, delivering more than 1,000 daily deals globally. To subscribe for the best deals in your city, visit http://www.groupon.com. To learn how to become a featured business, visit http://www.grouponworks.com.

Erin Yeager, 312.999.3434