Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.


(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 03900)



The Company announces that, on the date of this announcement, Greentown Town (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company), Bluetown Blueprint (an associate of Mr Song and hence a connected person of the Company), Bafulo Agriscience (an independent third party) and the Project Company entered into the Supplemental Agreement. Subject to the terms and provisions of the Supplemental Agreement, Greentown Town will provide the Project Company with Financial Assistance for funding the Project Company's development of the Land.

The Project Company is 33% owned by Bluetown Blueprint, a subsidiary of Bluetown. Bluetown is a company established in the PRC and is owned by Mr Song as to over 30% shareholding. Therefore, each of Bluetown, Bluetown Blueprint and the Project Company is an associate of Mr Song under rule 14A.12(1)(c) of the Listing Rules and a connected person of the Company.

As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined in the Listing Rules) exceed 0.1% and all of them are less than 5%, the entering into of the Supplemental Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder will constitute a connected transaction of the Company subject to the reporting and announcement requirements but exempt from independent shareholders' approval requirement under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.

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Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 3 June 2019 in relation to the Investment and Cooperation Agreement, the Project Company and the Project.

The Company announces that, on the date of this announcement, Greentown Town (a wholly- owned subsidiary of the Company), Bluetown Blueprint (an associate of Mr Song and hence a connected person of the Company), Bafulo Agriscience (an independent third party) and the Project Company entered into the Supplemental Agreement. Subject to the terms and provisions of the Supplemental Agreement, Greentown Town will provide the Project Company with Financial Assistance for funding the Project Company's development of the Land.

The Land is situated in Dachengzhen District Gao'an, Jiangxi with a gross site area up to 227,115 sqm, which is intended to be developed into area of facilities of commercial and service industries.


According to the terms of the bid for the Land, the consideration of RMB70.7 million for acquiring the land use rights of 174,097 sqm of the Land shall be paid by cash instalments in the manner as follows:

Stage payment

Already paid by the Project Company as of the date of this announcement

By 9 January 2020

Amount paid/payable

RMB36.9 million (being the deposit for the bidding) (the

  • Deposit") The Deposit will be applied to the partial settlement of the consideration.

Balance of the consideration for 174,097 sqm of the Land

Such consideration amount was the outcome of a public bidding announced by Jiangxi's Online Transaction System of Land Use and Mining Rights* (江西省土地使用權和礦業權網 上交易系統).


A summary of the major terms and conditions of the Supplemental Agreement is set out below:



12 December 2019




Greentown Town


Bluetown Blueprint


Bafulo Agriscience


Project Company

Loan amount and


Subject to the terms and provisions of the Supplemental

interest rates

Agreement, Greentown Town will provide the Project

Company with a loan up to RMB229,680,000, of which:

(a) the principal of RMB78,091,200 shall be repayable

by the Project Company with interest at a rate of 9%

per annum ("RMB78,091,200 Loan");

(b) the principal of RMB38,462,800 shall be repayable

by the Project Company with interest at a rate of

10% per annum ("RMB38,462,800 Loan"); and


the principal of RMB113,126,000 shall be repayable

by the Project Company with interest at a rate of

10% per annum ("RMB113,126,000 Loan"). In

addition, Bluetown Blueprint shall pay interest to

Greentown Town on the RMB113,126,000 Loan at a

rate of 3% per annum as to the interest ("Bluetown

Blueprint Interest").

All interests shall accrue from the relevant date(s) of




Save for the Bluetown Blueprint Interest which shall

be payable within 30 days from the relevant date(s) of

drawdown, all the principal and interests of the Financial

Assistance shall be payable within the third anniversary of

the relevant date(s) of drawdown.

The Financial Assistance is specific to the development of

the Land. For any failure of acquisition of the Land, the

relevant Financial Assistance shall be repaid to Greentown

Town no later than 5 business days (within the meaning of

the laws of the PRC) after the conclusion of the relevant

land bidding from December 2019 to January 2020.




In respect of the amount repayable by the Project

C o m p a n y , d e f a u l t o f p a y m e n t s h a l l e n t i t l e

Greentown Town to an interest rate of 12% per

annum, payable by the Project Company and

accruing from the date of the default; and


in respect of RMB113,126,000 Loan and the

Bluetown Blueprint Interest, from the 31st day

from the relevant date(s) of drawdown, any default

of payment shall entitle Greentown Town to an

interest rate of 5% per annum, payable by Bluetown

Blueprint and accruing from the date of the default.

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Guarantee and Security


Bluetown Blueprint and Bafulo Agriscience shall jointly

guarantee the liabilities of the Project Company arising

out of the Financial Assistance and shall, upon the

release of the relevant share charges, provide Greentown

Town with their respective equity interests in the Project

Company as securities. Greentown Town reserves the

right not to make the Financial Assistance prior to the

completion of the abovementioned guarantee and security




Any surplus amassed by the Project Company shall as

priority be applied on the repayment of the Financial

Assistance. The repayment of the respective principals

of and interests accrued from the RMB113,126,000 Loan

and the RMB38,462,800 Loan shall take priority to the

repayment of the principal of and interest accrued from

the RMB78,091,200 Loan.

Any business under the Supplemental Agreement shall be

conditional on the clearance of the Stock Exchange and

the Company having obtained approval of independent

Shareholders or such consent, approval or authorisation

under the Listing Rules and such other applicable laws,

regulations and rules (if required).

The terms of the Supplemental Agreement and the Financial Assistance contemplated thereunder, including without limitation the interest rates payable for the Financial Assistance, were determined by arm's length negotiation among the parties to the agreement, having taken into account the prevailing loan facilities of similar nature with that of the Financial Assistance, the operation needs and business plan of the Project Company, the current circumstances of Bluetown Blueprint and Bafulo Agriscience and the prospect of, and expected benefit from the Project.


Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 3 June 2019 in relation to the Investment and Cooperation Agreement, the Project Company and the Project. The Project Company will be engaged in the Project in Gao'an, Jiangxi, which involves the development of ecotourism, modern agriculture, green food processing and characteristic towns and bidding for and acquiring land in Gao'an for these purposes. The Project is one of the eight National Rural Complex Pilot Projects and the Board considers that it is of manifest development potential. The Land, situated in the scenic zone of National 4A-class Tourist Attraction and valuable in terms of comprehensive land resources efficacy, is incidental to and integral of the Project. While pursuant to the Supplemental Agreement, the Financial Assistance will not be provided by the shareholders of the Project Company on a pro-rata basis but will only be provided by Greentown Town, the Board considers that the acquisition of the Land by the Project Company will contribute to the broadening of the asset and earnings base of the Group, and the Financial Assistance will provide the Project Company with the funding required for developing the Land and furthering the Project, and are thus in the interest of the Group as a shareholder of the Project Company.

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The Board considers that the Supplemental Agreement was made on normal commercial terms, and that the terms thereof are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.

Based on the confirmation of each Director, the Company is not aware that any Director has a material interest in the Supplemental Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder.


Mr Song, a former executive Director who has resigned within 12 months from the date of the Supplemental Agreement, is a connected person of the Company under the Listing Rules.

The Project Company is 33% owned by Bluetown Blueprint, a subsidiary of Bluetown. Bluetown is a company established in the PRC and is owned by Mr Song as to over 30% shareholding. Therefore, each of Bluetown, Bluetown Blueprint and the Project Company is an associate of Mr Song under rule 14A.12(1)(c) of the Listing Rules and a connected person of the Company.

As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined in the Listing Rules) exceed 0.1% and all of them are less than 5%, the entering into of the Supplemental Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder will constitute a connected transaction of the Company subject to the reporting and announcement requirements but exempt from independent shareholders' approval requirement under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.


The Company is a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability, whose Shares are listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange. It is one of the leading property developers in the PRC with business operations in various major PRC cities and is primarily engaged in developing quality properties targeting mainly middle- and high-income residents in the PRC.

Greentown Town is a company established in the PRC with limited liability principally engaged in property development and construction decoration.

Bluetown Blueprint is a company established in the PRC with limited liability principally engaged in property development management, real property development, project works and advisory services in relation thereto. To the best knowledge of the Directors after making reasonable enquiries, it is a subsidiary of Bluetown which is owned by Mr. Song as to over 30% shareholding. To the best knowledge of the Directors after making reasonable enquiries, the other ultimate shareholders of Bluetown Blueprint are Fu Linjiang, Chen Yangguang, Xu Feng, Mi Jiandong, Yuan Yuan and Wu Yuxuan, who are not connected persons of the Company.

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Bafulo Agriscience is a company established in the PRC with limited liability principally engaged in agricultural development, business investment, property management, investment management and trading. To the best knowledge of the Directors after making reasonable enquiries, the ultimate shareholders of Bafulo Agriscience are Huang Qing, Xiao Wen, Zeng Zhibin and Liu Bing, who are not connected persons of the Company.

The Project Company is a company established in the PRC with limited liability established for carrying out the Project. As of the date of this announcement, the Project Company was owned by the Company, Bluetown Blueprint and Bafulo Agriscience as to 34%, 33% and 33%, respectively.


Unless the context otherwise requires, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the following meanings:


has the same meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules

"Bafulo Agriscience"

Jiangxi Bafulo Eco-agricultural science and technology

Co., Ltd* (江西巴夫洛生態農業科技有限公司), a company

established in the PRC with limited liability


Bluetown Property Construction Management Group Co.,

Ltd . * ( 藍城房產建設管理集團有限公司), a company

established in the PRC with limited liability

"Bluetown Blueprint"

Bluetown Blueprint Construction Management Co., Ltd.* (

城藍本建設管理有限公司), a company established in the

PRC with limited liability and a subsidiary of Bluetown


the board of Directors


Greentown China Holdings Limited (stock code: 03900),

a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with

limited liability, the shares of which are listed on the Stock


"connected person(s)"

has the same meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules


the director(s) of the Company

"Financial Assistance"

a loan up to RMB229,680,000 by Greentown Town to the

Project Company subject to the terms and provisions of the

Supplemental Agreement

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"Greentown Town"

Greentown Ideal Town Construction Group Co., Ltd.* (綠城

理想小鎮建設集團有限公司), a company established in the

PRC with limited liability and a wholly owned subsidiary of

the Company


the Company together with its subsidiaries

"Hong Kong"

the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC

"Investment and

the Investment and Cooperation Agreement dated 3 June

Cooperation Agreement"

2019 entered into among Greentown Town, Bluetown,

Bafulo Agriscience and the Project Company in relation to

the Project Company

"Listing Rules"

the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock

Exchange of Hong Kong Limited


the land in the Dachengzhen District, Gao'an, Jiangxi with a

gross site area up to 227,115 sqm

"Mr Song"

Mr Song Weiping


the People's Republic of China


Jiangxi Gao'an Bafuluo Modern Agricultural Complex

P r o j e c t * ( 江西高安巴夫洛現代農業綜合體項目) a s

approved by the People's Government of Gao'an

"Project Company"

Jiangxi Bafulo Eco Valley* (江西高安巴夫洛生態谷有限公

), a company established in the PRC with limited liability


Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC


ordinary shares of HK$0.1 each in the issued share capital of

the Company


holder(s) of the Share(s)

"Supplemental Agreement"

the supplemental agreement dated the date of this

announcement entered into among Greentown Town,

Bluetown Blueprint, Bafulo Agriscience and the Project

Company in relation to the Financial Assistance, for the

purpose of supplementing the Investment and Cooperation


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square metres

"Stock Exchange"

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

By order of the Board

Greentown China Holdings Limited

Zhang Yadong


Hangzhou, the PRC

12 December 2019

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr ZHANG Yadong, Mr LIU Wensheng, Mr ZHOU Lianying, Mr GUO Jiafeng, Mr GENG Zhongqiang and Mr. LI Jun as executive directors, Mr. Stephen Tin Hoi NG (Mr Andrew On Kiu CHOW as his alternative) as a non-executive director and Mr JIA Shenghua, Mr KE Huanzhang, Mr SZE Tsai Ping, Michael and Mr HUI Wan Fai as independent non-executive directors.

  • For identification purpose only

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  • Original document
  • Permalink


Greentown China Holdings Limited published this content on 12 December 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 12 December 2019 12:40:05 UTC