Great Northern Minerals Limited updated the market on progress at the exciting Douglas Creek IRGS (`Intrusion-Related Gold System') discovery, located on EPM 27522, part of GNM's Golden Ant Project in North Queensland. Recent exploration activity has focused on Target Area 4, which is approximately 300m long (NE-SW) and 100-150m wide (SE-NW). Systematic rock sampling was undertaken on mineralised outcrop and sub crop occurring within this target area.

Assay results have been received from 16 rock chip samples taken from Target Area 4, confirming the presence of high-grade Au-Ag-Bi-Cu-Pb mineralisation, with assays up to 1.89 g/t Au, 589 g/t Ag, 1.85% Bi, 8.95% Cu and 2.13% Pb. GNM continues to advance towards drilling commencement at Douglas Creek. Native Title clearance activities have been completed by representatives of the Gugu Badhun People who cleared the areas of the planned access roads and drill pads for the initial Douglas Creek drilling program.

An earthmoving contractor is mobilising to site to commence developing the planned access roads and drill pads and the proposed wet weather access track route from the Kilclooney homestead. Design for initial reverse circulation (RC) drill program has been completed ­ program will consist of 13 drill holes (approx. 1,100m drilling) and seek to test Target Areas One, Two and Four.

Ground mapping, sampling and remote sensing activities continue at Douglas Creek, as GNM continues to grow this exciting new greenfield discovery. Recent systematic sampling at Douglas Creek has confirmed the presence of high-grade outcropping Au-Ag-Bi-Cu-Pb mineralisation (Target Area 4), over an area of approximately 300m length (NE-SW) and 100-150m width (SE-NW). Peak assays returned included 1.89 g/t Au (MB082), 598 g/t Ag (MB083), 8.95% Cu (MB096), 2.12% Pb (MB083) and 1.84% Bi (MB096).

The mineralisation is hosted in a crudely laminated fragmental volcaniclastic or alternatively a protomylonitic sediment. Segmented gossanous sub-crystalline quartz veining occurs as quasi `lenses' sub-coplanar within the penetrative fabric.