Graphene Manufacturing Group Ltd. announced the appointments of Lisa Roobottom as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Paul Mackintosh as Chief Health, Safety, Environment, Quality, Risk and Sustainability Officer (Chief HSE, Risk &Sustainability Officer), effective on January 30, 2023 and February 6, 2023 respectively. Lisa and Paul will be members of GMG's senior executive leadership team reporting to, and working closely with, CEO Craig Nicol. Lisa Roobottom has a career in the Oil &Gas and Manufacturing industries spanning approximately 30 years, working in a number of roles include Refinery Operations Manager and National Health, Safety &Environment Manager at various companies including Caltex, Ampol, Australian Laboratory Services and, most recently, Alpha HPA.

Paul Mackintosh has over 20 years of experience in fulfilling senior roles in the Health, Safety and Environment function. Mr. Mackintosh has worked for large organizations in the mining, energy, manufacturing and oil and gas industries including senior positions at Arrow Energy, Origin Energy, Brickworks and Caltex, as well as with Coles Myer retail and energy divisions. GMG's current COO, Sheena Ward, has successfully overseen both roles as COO and Chief HSE, Risk &Sustainability Officer through GMG's recent development phase.

With GMG's growth plans currently underway, the Company has deemed it appropriate to now divide the roles. Sheena will be primarily responsible for onboarding both Lisa and Paul, after which Sheena intends on transitioning out of the Company to spend more time with her family.