Certain Ordinary Shares of Grand Power Logistics Group Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 13-JAN-2023. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 731 days starting from 12-JAN-2021 to 13-JAN-2023.

In accordance with Rule 13.16A(1) of the GEM Listing Rules, each of Controlling Shareholders has undertaken to the Stock Exchange and Company that except pursuant to the Share Offer or unless in compliance with the requirements of the GEM Listing Rules, he, she or it shall not, and shall procure that the relevant registered holder(s) shall not at any time during the period commencing on the date by reference to which disclosure of his, her or its shareholding in Company is made in this prospectus and ending on the date which is 12 months from the Listing Date, dispose of, nor enter into any agreement to dispose of or otherwise create any options, rights, interests or encumbrances in respect of, any of the Shares or other securities of Company in respect of which he, she or it is shown by this prospectus to be the beneficial owner; or at any time during the period of 12 months from the date on which the period referred to in paragraph (i) above expires, dispose of, nor enter into any agreement to dispose of or otherwise create any options, rights, interests or encumbrances in respect of, any of the Shares referred to in paragraph (i) above if, immediately following such disposal or upon the exercise or enforcement of such options, rights, interests or encumbrances, he, she or it would cease to be Controlling Shareholder Each of Controlling Shareholders has further undertaken to the Stock Exchange and Company that he, she or it will, within a period of commencing on the date by reference to which disclosure of his, her or its shareholding is made in this prospectus and ending on the date which is 24 months from the Listing Date, immediately inform of any pledges or charges of any Shares or other securities of Company beneficially owned by any of Controlling Shareholders in favour of any authorised institution and the number of such Shares or other securities of Company so pledged or charged; and (ii) when he, she or it or the relevant requested holders receive indication, either verbal or written, from any pledgee or chargee of any Shares or other securities of Company pledged or charged that any of such securities will be disposed of.