Grand Gulf Energy Limited announced that Boleslaw 1 well final drilling report. The Well spudded on 10 December 2016 and reached a total depth of 1550 metres on 10th January 2017. The well intersected the designated objectives, however no commercial recoverable hydrocarbons were indicated. The well will be plugged and abandoned shortly following petrophysical analysis. Partners in the Kolo licence will conduct a detailed post-drill technical review of all relevant well and seismic data to determine the way forward with this large exploration licence. The Kolo block has additional independent prospectivity including an oil target that has been identified based on the re-interpretation of seismic data using sequence stratigraphy techniques. The oil target is a turbidite system fan, typical of a possible low-stand systems tract. Boleslaw #1 was drilled safely, on schedule, and on budget. GGE has a 20.4% interest in the Kolo Licence which covers 1,150 square kilometres. Other Partners include Prospex Oil & Gas Plc.