
● The company has strong fundamentals. More than 70% of listed companies have a lower mix of growth, profitability, debt and visibility criteria.


● The current area is a good opportunity for investors interested in buying the stock in a mid or long-term perspective. Indeed, the share is moving closer to its lower bound at EUR 15.65 EUR in weekly data.

● Graphically speaking, the timing seems perfect for purchasing the stock close to the EUR 15.65 support.

● Growth is a substantial asset for the company, as anticipated by dedicated analysts. Within the next three years, growth is estimated to reach 58% by 2018.

● The group's activity appears highly profitable thanks to its outperforming net margins.

● Historically, the company has been releasing figures that are above expectations.

● Its low valuation, with P/E ratio at 5.79 and 6.84 for the ongoing fiscal year and 2017 respectively, makes the stock pretty attractive with regard to earnings multiples.

● For the last week, the earnings per share forecast has been revised upwards. According to recent estimates, analysts give a positive overview of the stock

● For several months, analysts have been revising their EPS estimates roughly upwards.

● For the past year, analysts covering the stock have been revising their EPS expectations upwards in a significant manner.

● Analysts have a positive opinion on this stock. Average consensus recommends overweighting or purchasing the stock.

● The average target price set by analysts covering the stock is above current prices and offers a tremendous appreciation potential.


● One of the major weak points of the company is its financial situation.

● Prospects from analysts covering the stock are not consistent. Such dispersed sales estimates confirm the poor visibility into the group's activity.

● The company's "enterprise value to sales" ratio is among the highest in the world.

● For the last twelve months, the trend in sales revisions has been clearly going down, which emphasizes downgraded expectations from the analysts.

● The technical configuration over the long term remains negative on the weekly chart below the resistance level at 18.25 EUR