GPO Plus, Inc. announced the launch of a new Mini Hub in Austin, Texas. The Austin Mini Hub is a strategic step in the Company's expansion into Southeast Texas. Strategic Expansion Highlights: Growth into Key Markets: The Austin Mini Hub significantly extends GPOX's reach into major Southeast Texas markets, including San Antonio and Houston.

It will initially service approximately 40-50 new retail customer locations. Enhanced Service Efficiency: The Austin Mini Hub has the dual benefit of opening up new retail locations for GPOX and leveraging GPOX's technology platform, PRISM+, to improve operational efficiencies. This includes shortening routes, improving inventory management, and providing real-time logistics solutions, ensuring optimal service for new and existing retail partners.

Localized Support: The Austin Mini Hub allows GPOX to offer localized, weekly service in these target markets, enhancing the efficiency and responsiveness of its DSD model compared to traditional large-scale distributors.