Good Way Technology Co., Ltd. announced changes to compensation committee. Name of the previous position holder: Independent Director: Li, Chuan-Te Independent Director: Huang, Mei-Ling Independent Director: Liu, Chu Independent Director: Chin, Tack-Koi; Resume of the previous position holder: Independent Director: Li, Chuan-Te/Chairman of Aplex Technology Inc. Independent Director: Huang, Mei-Ling/CFO of Taiwan Plastic Optical Fiber Co., Ltd. Independent Director: Liu, Chu/Chairman of Summit Asset Management Co., Ltd. Independent Director: Chin, Tack-Koi/Vice President and Deputy Spokesperson of Mercuries & Associates Holding, Ltd.; Name of the new position holder: Independent Director: Chin, Tack-Koi Independent Director: Wu, Li-Lan Independent Director: Lai, Yung-Cheng Independent Director: Chen, Chien-Yuan; Resume of the new position holder: Independent Director: Chin, Tack-Koi/Vice President and Deputy Spokesperson of Mercuries & Associates Holding, Ltd. Independent Director: Wu, Li-Lan/CFO, Accounting officer and Deputy Spokesperson of Nanoplus Ltd. Independent Director: Lai, Yung-Cheng/BRIGHTV CONSULTING Senior Business Consultant and Trainer. Independent Director: Chen, Chien-Yuan/Director of Chun Hsin CPA.

Reason for the change: Re-election of Board of Directors; Effective date of the new member: July 4, 2024.