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Announcement of Appointment of Chief Financial Officer *

* Asterisks denote mandatory information

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Name of Announcer *


Company Registration No.

UF 24045G

Announcement submitted on behalf of


Announcement is submitted with respect to *


Announcement is submitted by *

Kimberley Lye Chor Mei

Designation *

Director, Corporate Secretarial

Date & Time of Broadcast

09-Jan-2013 18:08:07

Announcement No.


>> Announcement Details

The details of the announcement start here ...

Date of Appointment *


Name of person *

Rafael Buhay Concepcion, Jr.

Age *


Country of principal residence *


The Board's comments on this appointment (including rationale, selection criteria, and the search and nomination process) *

Having considered the qualifications, past experience and competencies of Mr Concepcion for this position, and upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee, the Board of Directors approved the appointment of Mr Concepcion as Chief Financial Officer of the Company. He continues as an Executive Director of the Company.

Whether appointment is executive, and if so, the area of responsibility *

Executive appointment. As Chief Financial Officer, Mr Concepcion will oversee all financial activities of the Group, including corporate finance, treasury, accounting, financial reporting, information technology, internal control and enterprise risk management. He will continue to have oversight of investor relations and corporate communications of the Group.

Job Title (e.g. Lead ID, AC Chairman, AC Member etc.)

Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer

Working experience and occupation(s)

during the past 10 years *

Golden Agri-Resources Ltd ("GAR") August 2002 - present

Executive Director

PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk (subsidiary of GAR) May 2008 to present


May 2003 to May 2008

Executive Director, Finance

April 1997 to April 2003

General Manager, Finance and Business Development

Sinarmas Land Limited

December 2006 - April 2012

Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer

July 2004 - December 2006

Executive Director

August 2002 - July 2004

Executive Vice President Corporate Finance



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Shareholding* in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries *


Familial relationship with any director and/or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries *

Conflict of interest (including any competing business) *

>> Other Directorships#

# These fields are not applicable for announcements of appointments pursuant to Listing Rule 704(9)

Past (for the last 5 years)

Belino Investments Limited

Golden Agri Investment (S) Pte. Ltd. GAR Finance B.V. (Dissolved) Goederhand Finance B.V.

Handful Resources (China) Investment Co., Ltd (De-registered) Koon Chung Limited

Latour Investments Limited (De-registered) Premier Foods International Ltd (Merged) PT Harapan Anang Bakri & Son's

PT Karawang Bukit Golf

PT Karawang Tatabina Industrial Estate

PT Maligi Permata Industrial Estate

Sinarmas Land Limited (formerly known as AFP Properties Limited) Ultima International Limited (De-registered)


ACF Finance Ltd

ACF Solutions Holding Limited

AFP China Ltd

AFP International Finance (3) Ltd AFP International Finance (2) Ltd AFP International Finance Ltd Alluvium Finance B.V.

Asia Management Services Ltd Dragon Capital Investments Ltd Eco Investment Ltd

Florentina International Holdings Limited

Golden Agri-Resources Ltd

Golden Agri International Finance (2) Ltd

Golden Agri International (Cayman) Ltd

Golden Agri International Trading (Cayman) Ltd

Golden Agri International Trading Ltd Golden Agri International (L) Ltd Golden Agri (Labuan) Ltd

Golden Agri Trading (L) Ltd

Golden Agri International Finance Ltd

Golden Agri International (Mauritius) Ltd

Golden Agri International Trading (Mauritius) Ltd

Golden Agri International Pte Ltd

Golden Agri International India Holding Pte. Ltd. Golden Assets International Finance Limited

Golden Logistics International Limited (formerly known as GAR Shipping Limited) Golden Maritime Pte. Ltd. (formerly known as Golden MK Holding Pte. Ltd.) Handful Resources Limited

Harford Holdings Limited

Jermina Limited

Linsville Limited

Madascar Capital Pte. Ltd. Madascar Investment Ltd

PT Pembangunan Deltamas

PT Puradelta Lestari

PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources & Technology Tbk

PT Sumber Arusmulia

Rapid Growth Investments Ltd

Sinarmas Food (Hong Kong) Co., Limited

Sittingham Assets Limited

Sterling International Investment Ltd



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Straits Investments Ltd

>> Information required pursuant to Listing Rule 704(7)(h)

Disclose the following matters concerning an appointment of director, chief executive officer, general manager or other officer of equivalent rank. If the answer to any questions is "yes", full details must be given.

(a) * Whether at any time during the last 10 years, an application or a petition under any bankruptcy law of any jurisdiction was filed against him or against a partnership of which he was a partner at the time when he was a partner or at any time within 2 years from the date he ceased to be a partner?

z No

(b) * Whether at any time during the last 10 years, an application or a petition under any law of any jurisdiction was filed against an entity (not being a partnership) of which he was a director or an equivalent person or a key executive, at the time when he was a director or an equivalent person or a key executive of that entity or at any time within 2 years from the date he ceased to be a director or an equivalent person or a key executive of that entity, for the winding up or dissolution of that entity or, where that entity is the trustee of a business trust, that business trust, on the ground of insolvency?

z No

(c) * Whether there is any unsatisfied judgment against him? z No

(d) * Whether he has ever been convicted of any offence, in Singapore or elsewhere, involving fraud or dishonesty which is punishable with imprisonment, or has been the subject of any criminal proceedings (including any pending criminal proceedings of which he is aware) for such purpose?

z No

(e) * Whether he has ever been convicted of any offence, in Singapore or elsewhere, involving a breach of any law or regulatory requirement that relates to the securities or futures industry in Singapore or elsewhere, or has been the subject of any criminal proceedings (including any pending criminal proceedings of which he is aware) for such breach?

z No

(f) * Whether at any time during the last 10 years, judgment has been entered against him in any civil proceedings in Singapore or elsewhere involving a breach of any law or regulatory requirement that relates to the securities or futures industry in Singapore or elsewhere, or a finding of fraud, misrepresentation or dishonesty on his part, or he has been the subject of any civil proceedings (including any pending civil proceedings of which he is aware) involving an allegation of fraud, misrepresentation or dishonesty on his part?

z No

(g) * Whether he has ever been convicted in Singapore or elsewhere of any offence in connection with the formation or management of any entity or business trust?

z No

Whether he has ever been disqualified from acting as a director or an equivalent person of any entity (including the trustee of a business trust), or from taking part directly or indirectly in the management of any entity or business trust?

z No

(i) * Whether he has ever been the subject of any order, judgment or ruling of any court, tribunal or governmental body, permanently or temporarily enjoining him from engaging in any type of business practice or activity?

z No



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(j) Whether he has ever, to his knowledge, been concerned with the management or conduct, in Singapore or elsewhere, of the affairs of :-
(i)* any corporation which has been investigated for a breach of any law or regulatory requirement governing corporations in Singapore or elsewhere; or

z No

(ii)* any entity (not being a corporation) which has been investigated for a breach of any law or regulatory requirement governing such entities in Singapore or
elsewhere; or

z No

(iii)* any business trust which has been investigated for a breach of any law or regulatory requirement governing business trusts in Singapore or elsewhere; or

z No

(iv)* any entity or business trust which has been investigated for a breach of any law or regulatory requirement that relates to the securities or futures industry in Singapore or elsewhere,

z No

in connection with any matter occurring or arising during that period when he was so concerned with the entity or business trust?
(k) * Whether he has been the subject of any current or past investigation or disciplinary proceedings, or has been reprimanded or issued any warning, by the Monetary Authority of Singapore or any other regulatory authority, exchange, professional body or government agency, whether in Singapore or elsewhere?

z No

>> Information required pursuant to Listing Rule 704(7)(i) Disclosure applicable to the appointment of Director only.

Any prior experience as a director of a listed company? z

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