("Gold One" or "the company")

Gold One Receives Payment of the Acquisition Consideration

Media Release
JOHANNESBURG - 24 January 2014. Gold One International Limited (ASX and JSE: GDO) shareholders ("Shareholders") are referred to the announcements released on the Stock Exchange News Service ("SENS") of the JSE Limited ("JSE") and submitted to the Market Announcements Office of the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") on 9 December 2013 and 15 January 2014, respectively, in relation to the Compulsory Acquisition. Capitalised terms not defined in this announcement were defined in the earlier two announcements and should be read as so defined.
Shareholders are advised that Gold One has received payment of the total Acquisition Consideration from BCX Gold and that it is being held in trust for payment to Shareholders, pursuant to the provisions of the Act. Further correspondence regarding the arrangement for payment will be sent to registered Shareholders today, 24 January 2014. In it, Shareholders will be requested to return instructions on how they require their pro rata Acquisition Consideration to be paid. Payment will be made to Shareholders upon receipt of the required written instructions and any further documentation requested from them or their Central Securities Depository Recipients ("CSDP"), stockbrokers or nominees who are the registered Shareholders.
Shareholders will be paid A$0.30 per Acquisition Share ("Acquisition Consideration") and otherwise on the terms set out in the Compulsory Acquisition Notice. Shareholders on the South African Gold One share register ("SA Register") will be paid the Acquisition Consideration based on the Australian Dollar price per Acquisition Share which will be converted into South African Rand ("ZAR") using the spot A$/ZAR rate on the date on which the Acquisition Consideration is paid by BCX Gold to Gold One.
Subsequent to the payment of the Acquisition Consideration by BCX Gold to Gold One and the Acquisition
Shares being registered as held by BCX Gold, Gold One will be delisted from both the ASX and the JSE.

Payment and Delisting Indicative Timeline



Date 2014

Payment of Acquisition Consideration by BCX Gold to Gold One


24 January

Letter sent to registered Shareholders regarding payment arrangements


24 January

Delisting from the ASX and JSE


30 January

1. Gold One will be delisted from the JSE once payment to dematerialised shareholders on the SA Register has been completed.

South African Exchange Control Regulations

The settlement of the Acquisition Consideration in respect of the Acquisition Shares registered on the SA Register will be effected subject to the South African Exchange Control Regulations ("Excon Regulations"). The following is a summary of the Excon Regulations which apply to Shareholders holding Acquisition Shares on the SA Register. If in doubt, such Shareholders should consult their professional advisers without delay.
Residents of the South African Common Monetary Area
The Acquisition Consideration due to Shareholders who are residents of the Common Monetary Area will be dealt with as follows:
• in the case of Shareholders-
o whose Acquisition Shares are held in their own names;
o whose registered addresses in the SA Register are within the Common Monetary Area; and o whose share certificates are not restrictively endorsed in terms of the Excon Regulations,
the Acquisition Consideration will be paid to such Shareholders in accordance with their payment instructions; or
• in the case of Shareholders-
o whose Acquisition Shares are held by their CSDP or stockbroker as registered Shareholders; o whose registered addresses in the SA Register are within the Common Monetary Area; and o who have not been restrictively designated in terms of the Excon Regulations,
the Acquisition Consideration will be credited directly to the accounts nominated for the relevant Shareholder by their duly appointed CSDP or stockbroker in terms of the provisions of the custody or mandate agreement with their CSDP or stockbroker, provided the CSDP or stockbroker has provided the payment instructions to Gold One per the payment instruction form.
Emigrants from the Common Monetary Area
The consideration due to Shareholders who are emigrants from the Common Monetary Area will be dealt with as follows:
• in the case of Shareholders-
o whose Acquisition Shares are held in their own names; and
o whose share certificates have been restrictively endorsed under the Excon Regulations,
the Acquisition Consideration will be forwarded to the authorised dealer(s) in foreign exchange in South Africa controlling such Shareholders' blocked assets in terms of the Excon Regulations. The payment instruction form makes provision for details of the authorised dealer(s) concerned to be given; or
• in the case of Shareholders whose Acquisition Shares are held by their CSDP or stockbroker as registered Shareholders, the Acquisition Consideration will be credited to the account of the Shareholder's CSDP or stockbroker, which shall arrange for the same to be credited directly to the Shareholder's blocked ZAR account held by the Shareholder's dealers in foreign exchange in South Africa, provided the CSDP or stockbroker has provided the payment instructions to Gold One as per the payment instruction form.
All other non-residents of the Common Monetary Area
The Acquisition Consideration due to Shareholders who-
• hold Acquisition Shares that are registered on the SA Register;
• are non-residents of the Common Monetary Area;
• have not resided in South Africa; and
• whose registered addresses are outside the Common Monetary Area, will be dealt with as follows:
• in the case of Shareholders whose Acquisition Shares are held in their own names, the Acquisition Consideration will be forwarded to the authorised dealer(s) in foreign exchange in South Africa who hold(s) their non-resident account(s) in terms of the Excon Regulations. The payment instruction form makes provision for details of the authorised dealer(s) concerned to be given; or
• in the case of Shareholders whose Acquisition Shares are held by their CSDP or stockbroker as registered Shareholders, the Acquisition Consideration will be credited to the account of the Shareholder's CSDP(s) or stockbroker(s), which shall arrange for the same to be forwarded to the authorised dealer(s) in foreign exchange in South Africa who hold(s) the Shareholder's non-resident accounts(s) in terms of the Excon Regulations, provided the CSDP or stockbroker has provided the payment instructions to Gold One as per the payment instruction form.
Information Not Provided
If the information regarding authorised dealers or payment instructions is not given, the Acquisition Consideration will be held in trust for the Shareholder concerned, pending receipt of the necessary information or instructions. The payment instruction form makes provision for the registered Shareholder to furnish written instructions as to how the Acquisition Consideration should be dealt with. It will then be incumbent on such registered Shareholder to instruct as to how such Acquisition Consideration is to be dealt with. After 12 months, the Acquisition Consideration remaining in trust with Gold One will be paid over to ASIC.
24 January 2014
JSE Sponsor & Transaction Sponsor
Macquarie First South Capital (Pty) Limited

Issued by Gold One International Limited

Christopher Chadwick CFO and Acting CEO +27 11 726 1047 (office) +27 71 681 6450 (mobile)

Grant Stuart VP Investor Relations +27 11 726 1047 (office) +27 82 602 5992 (mobile)

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